The church is located in Cambridge where parking can be confusing.
While we do not have our own parking lot, on Sundays you may park anywhere, including any street designated: "permit only."
Cambridge parking meters and city owned lots do not require payments on Sunday. Lot #14 on Springfield St (north of the Olé restaurant) is near the church and often has spaces on Sundays.
February Mission Focus
Boston Center for Pregnancy Choices is an inner city crisis pregnancy center offering free services which include pregnancy tests, ultrasound referrals, and confidential options counseling.
One in five pregnancies in Massachusetts ends in abortion. There are other options available! BCPC offers life affirming help.
Adult Sunday School
Our next Adult Sunday School series begins February 2nd: "What is our Hope? What do we understand about after-life and resurrection for Christians?"
The series is expected to continue for four weeks, and will meet after coffee hour in the church basement.